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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/28 17:57  文都在线

  61) cross- (across, going between the stated things and joining them) cross-country, crossbreed

  62) intra- (inside, within; into) intracity, intra-department, intranet

  63) pro- (in favor of, supporting) pro-America, pro-abortion

  64) self- (by means of oneself or itself, of, to; with, for or in oneself or itself) self-employed, self-taught

  65) step- (not by birth but through a parent who has remarried) stepmother, stepchildren

  2. Suffixes


  1) –ant, -ent applicant, component, servant, student

  2) –er, -or, -ar employer, interviewer, trainer, painter, New Yorker, Northerner, lighter, cooker, conductor, beggar, arbiter, shipper

  3) –ee absentee, abandonee, employee, interviewee, trainee

  4) –eer engineer, pioneer

  5) –an, -ian, -arian historian, humanitarian, librarian, musician, Canadian

  6) –ese Chinese, Japanese

  7) –ist artist, Marxist, capitalist, creationist, extremist, futurologist, manicurist, neuroscientist, oncologist, purist

  8) –ism socialism, capitalism, mechanism, collectivism, creationism, optimism, pessimism

  9) -ability, -ibility ability, flexibility, availability, capability, mutability

  10) –age postage, shrinkage, wastage

  11) –al arrival, refusal, revival

  12) –ance, -ence appearance, reference

  13) –ancy, -ency emergency, expectancy, delinquency

  14) –cy accuracy, bankruptcy

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