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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/12 14:33  《考试》


  1. If city noises ____ from increasing,people ____ shout to be heard even at dinner.

  A. are not kept;will have to

  B. are not kept;have

  C. do not keep;will have to

  D. do not keep;have to

  2. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are ____and perfected now.

  A. developed

  B. have developed

  C. are being developed

  D. will have been developed

  3. --- ____ the sports meet might be put off.

 --- Yes,it all depends on the weather.

  A. I've been told B. I've told

  C. I'm told D. I told

  4. I need one more stamp before my collection ___.

  A. has completed B. completes

  C. has been completed D. is completed

  5. Rainforests ___ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

  A. cut B. are cut

  C. are being cut D. had been cut

  6. The new suspension bridge ___ by the end of last month.

  A. has been designed

  B. had been designed

  C. was designed

  D. would be designed

  7. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____.

  A. breaks B. has broken

  C. was broken D. had been broken

  8. Great changes ___ in the city, and a lot of factories ___.

  A. have been taken place; have been set up

  B. have taken place; have been set up

  C. have taken place; have set up

  D. were taken place; were set up

  9. That suit __ over 60 dollars.

  A. had costed B. costed C. is costed D. cost

  10. --- Look! Everything here is under construction.

  --- What’s the pretty small house that __ for?

  A. is being built B. has been built

  C. is built D. is building

  11.--- Do you like the material?

  --- Yes, it ___ very soft.

  A. is feeling B. felt

  C. feels D. is felt

  12. It is difficult for a foreigner ____ Chinese.

  A. write B. to write

  C. to be written D. written

  13. I have no more letters ____ ,thank you.

  A. to type B. typing

  C. to be typed D. typed

  14. Take care! Don’t drop the ink on your shirt, for it __ easily.

  A. won’t wash out B. won’t be washed out

  C. isn’t washed out D. isn’t washing out

  15. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ___.

  A. be put up B. give in

  C. be turned on D. go out

  16. The computers on the table ___ Professor Smith.

  A. belongs B. are belonged to

  C. belongs to D. belong to

  17. --- What do you think of the book?

  ---Oh, excellent. It’s worth ___ a second time.

  A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read

  18. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ___. A. catching B. to be caught

  C. being caught D. to catch

  19. This page needed ___ again.

  A. being checked B. checked

  C. to check D. to be checked

  20. ___ many times, the boy still didn’t know how to do the exercises

  A. Having taught B. Having been taught

  C. taught D. Teaching

  key 1--5 ACADC 6--10 BCBDA

  11--15 CBCAD 16--20 DCCDB

  (作者:安徽 马爱军)

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