新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 移民海外 > 《我如何获得40国签证》 > 正文


http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/08 14:52  新浪教育

  法国签证由于属于申根签证吧,要求的资料相比埃及要复杂一些。登陆大使馆网站:www.ambafrance-uk.org/asp/hp.asp?LNG=en,就能非常详细清楚地了解到申请Transit visa所需提供的材料:


  (1) A full national passport or official travel document valid for at least 3 months longer than the validity of the visa being applied for with a blank page to affix the visa sticker. Your British Residence permit must also exceed by at least 1 month the validity of the requested visa.

  (2) One completed application form signed by the applicant (or legal guardian in the case of minors) with a passport sized photograph attached. More applications forms and photographs may be required.

  (3) Transport documentation, for example a rail ticket, or confirmed ferry/Euro tunnel booking, and, if you are driving, you will need to submit the registration document, proof of legal ownership of the vehicle. If applicable, an export license, and finally an insurance certificate.

  (4) A visa for your onward destination country, if required.

  (5) A recent letter -less than 1 month old- from your employer, and your last 3 pay slips, or - if you are self employed, - a letter from your solicitor, your accountant, your Bank manager, or your local Chamber of Commerce. If you are a student please submit a recent letter -less than 1 month old- from your school, college or university confirming attendance. If you are an "au pair" or domestic help, your employer's passport and a letter from your employer. If you are not working, a recent proof of occupation -as listed above- for your spouse along with his/her passport and marriage certificate.

  (6) Evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover the cost of your intended stay (bank statement dated less than a month or traveler’s cheques).

  (7) For non-UK residents : confirmed return ticket to your country of residence and proof of stay in the UK (letter from the British school/company for studies/business, letter of invitation from your daughter/son/sponsor in the UK + their passport + their birth certificate with English translation certified by Embassy)



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