专业八级词汇Word List23文本及音频

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月01日 11:43   北京环球时代学校

Word List 23



integer n.整数


  intangible adj 不可捉摸的; 感觉不到的; 无形的 = incorporeal


  【例】Though the financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by its intangible rewards: prestige, intellectual freedom, the fellowship of his peers.

  intake n.(水管、煤气管等的)入口, 通风口, (在一定期间的)引入的量

  【例】Intake in state primary schools is down by 10%. 公立小学入学人数下降了10%.

  insurrection n 造反,叛乱(公开反抗国内政权的行为) = rebellion

  【记】in里面,sur下面,rect竖直,站,ion--国家里面的下等人站直了--造反【参】rectitude(n 正直;公正);resurrect(v 复兴;复活)

  insurmountable adj(障碍、困难)无法超越的, 不能克服的 = insuperable

  【例】The problems are not insurmountable. 问题不是无法解决的.

  【记】surmount战胜,克服:sur( = over)+mount(上升)――升到之上――克服

  insurgent adj 叛乱的 = rebellions; n 叛乱分子; (政党内部的)反对派

  【记】in(内部)+surge(浪涛, 升起)+ent→内部起浪潮→叛乱的【参】surge(巨浪, 汹涌)

  【例】We will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes.

  insuperable adj 难以克服的;不可逾越的 = insurmountable


  【例】In the face of insuperable difficulties they maintained their courage and will to resist.

  insulate v 使绝缘(防止热,电或声音的进出);使隔离

  【记】insul( = island岛屿), 使成为孤岛――使隔绝

  【例】children carefully insulated from harmful experiences 受到细心保护免受不良影响的孩子们

  insular adj 岛屿的;与世隔绝的;思想狭隘的 = illiberal;胰岛的

  【记】insular = island岛屿;参:peninsular(adj 半岛的)

  【例】insular attitude 偏狭的态度


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