专业八级词汇Word List27文本及音频

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月01日 11:43   北京环球时代学校

 Word List 27



 heyday n 全盛时期(繁荣、成功或力量的最高潮) = prime


  【例】in the heyday of sb’s power.

  hew v 用斧砍伐 = chop


  【例】hewing (down) trees 将树伐倒.

  heterogeneous adj.不同种类的; 异类的<>homogeneous

  【记】hetero异 + gene种类 +ous

  【例】the heterogeneous population of the USA由不同种族组成的美国人口

  heterodox adj 异端的,非正统的(与教义背道而驰的) = unorthodox

  【记】hetero异,dox思想--异端的【参】orthodox(adj 正统的;传统的);heterogeneous(adj 不同种类的;异类的) = incongruous

  【例】a heterodox opinion, person 非正统见解、持非正统观点的人.

  hermitage n.偏僻的寺院 = retreat

  【记】hermit(n 隐士)

  hermetic adj 秘术的, 深奥的 = recondite;密封的 = airtight

  【记】hermit(n 隐士)何处觅他;hermetical(adj 密封的;与世隔绝的)

  【例】This would permit air to enter, breaking the hermetic seal of the jar.

  herewith adv.同此, 因此 = hereby

  【例】I enclose a copy of this report herewith for your information.

  heretofore adv.直到此时, 迄今, 此时以前 = until now

  【例】In recent years we have seen greater emphasis than heretofore on the voice of the consumer.

  hereto adv.关于这个 = regarding this matter

  【例】A copy of the document is hereto appended.

  heretical adj 异端邪说的;异教的 = dissident


  【例】I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.


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