专业八级词汇Word List25文本及音频

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月01日 11:43   北京环球时代学校

 Word List 25



 impair v 损害 = damage;削减(造成力量、价值或质量等的减少) = reduce

  【记】im进入,pair使…变得更坏-损害【参】impairment(n 损害;损伤);repair(n /v 修理;修补)

  【例】Loud noise can impair your hearing. 巨大的噪音有损听觉.

  immunize v (用接种的方法)使有免疫力 = vaccinate

  【例】Have you been immunized (against smallpox) yet? 你接种过(抗


  immune adj 免疫的;豁免的 = exempt

  【记】im(非)+mune( = muni = service服务)――不必服务――免疫的

  【例】to criticism, abuse, opposition, etc 不为批评、漫骂、反对等所动摇.

  immerse v 浸没 = submerge; 沉浸于(完全或深深地从事某事) = engross

  【记】im进入, merse = merge浸入→浸入

  【例】be immersed in thought, one's business, a book 沉思、埋首事务、专心读书

  immaterial adj 无关紧要的;非实体的(没有物质实体和形态的) = incorporeal

  【记】material(adj 物质的;肉体的;具体的;重要的;实质性的)

  【例】The cost is immaterial. 成本微不足道

  immaculate adj 洁净无瑕的(极其清洁的) = unsoiled


  【例】immaculate behaviour.

  imbue v (与with 连用)(用感情)灌输;影响(某人) = permeate

  【例】be imbued with new ideas受新思想的影响

  imbibe v 饮; 吸入 = absorb; 摄取(接收或吸收到脑中)

  【记】im进入, bibe喝→喝入→吸收【参】pipe(n 管子; 输送管)用pipe吸水→吸收

  【例】A sponge imbibes moisture

  imbecility n.低能, 弱智

  【例】He looked at me as if I was a total imbecile.

  imbalance n.不平衡, 不均衡

  【例】The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade. 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调.

  imagery n. 影象(脑海中的形象), 意象; 象征, 比喻

  【例】Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery .

  illustrious adj.杰出的 = eminent

  【例】...the most illustrious scientists of the century.

  illustrator n.插图画家, 图解者, 说明者


  illicit adj 违法的 = unlawful

  【记】i1不, licit(adj 合法的; 正当的)一违法的

  【例】The defense attorney claimed that the police had entrapped his client; that is, they had elicited the illicit action of which they now accuse of him.

  illegitimate adj. 法律不容的; 规则不许可的; 非法的 = unlawful

  【例】an illegitimate child 私生儿 She's illegitimate. 她是私生女.


  illegible adj 模糊难辨的(无法读出或解释的) = unreadable

  【记】il不, leg读, ible→不能读的→难读的【参】legend(n 传说; 图例; 联想集团); dialect(n 方言lect = leg) 【区】illegal(adj 违法的; 不合规定的)

  【例】an illegible signature 难以辨认的签字.

  ignominy n 耻辱, 侮辱 = infamy;无耻行为


  【例】the ignominy of defeat 战败的耻辱.

  ignition n 点火;点火器(用来产生火花点燃内燃机中的混合燃料)


  ignite v 使燃烧;使起火;使发光 = catch fire

  【记】ign火【参】igneous(adj 火的;火成的);igneous rock 火成岩

  【例】He struck a match and ignited the fuse. 他划了根火柴, 点着了导火索.

  idyllic adj.田园诗的, 具有田园诗性质的; 简朴且无忧无虑的

  【例】Far from the city, she led an idyllic existence in her rural retreat.

  idolize vt.极端崇拜 = worship, 偶像化; 醉心于

  【记】idol偶像。参:idolatry(n.偶像崇拜, 过度崇拜, 邪神崇拜)

  【例】idolize a pop group 十分喜爱某流行乐团.

  idiosyncrasy n(个人独有的)习性、癖好、气质 = peculiarity

  【记】idio个人的,特有的,syn共,同时,crasy混合--混合了个人特性的独特行为--特异性格【参】idiom(n 成语;方言;习惯用语);idiopathy(n 疑难病症)

  【例】One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water. 她有个怪习惯, 就是洗什么都爱用冷水.

  icon n.图标, 肖像, 偶像,圣像 = idol

  【例】Kate Moss is Britain's fashion icon of the Nineties.

  icing n (糕点上面的)糖衣;酥皮;飞机体外及机翼上的结冰现象


蛋糕上结的一层冰-糖衣;酥皮【参】frosting(n 糕饼上的糖霜)

  【例】chocolate icing 巧克力糖衣.

  icicle n 冰柱,冰垂(由滴水凝固形成);感情淡薄的人

  【记】ice(n 冰),icle小东西--冰柱,冰垂

  icebreaker n.碎冰船, 破冰设备;打破僵局的东西

  【例】This game is an effective icebreaker at the beginning of a semester.

  icebox n.冰桶, 冰箱 = refrigerator


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