2008年03月14日 11:42 新浪教育
艺术话题今年第一次出现在了雅思口语的第一部分,题目包括是否喜欢艺术,是不是经常去艺术馆、博物馆什么的。从过去的一年来看,雅思考题的确越来越多的涉及到艺术领域,从绘画到艺术品,到艺术活动,再到博物馆、音乐厅。其实题目在老外看来很普通,可对我们来讲挑战很大,一是语言资源上的,一是生活经历上的。考试的时候当然可以实话实说,不喜欢就是不喜欢,不去就是不去,只要在给出否定的答案后再加点小小的解释和阐述就好了(可参考下面列的答案);考试之外如果有时间的话真应该去这些地方看看。 1. Do you like art (e.g. painting? 别忘了“答案+1”! No, I’m not really artistic. But I do like more physical type of art like drama, dance or martial arts. No, I’m not that fond of art. I was never any good at it. I’m more of a sports person actually, basketball, jogging, that sort of thing. 2. Do you often go to art gallery or museum? 估计好几年没去了吧? No, I haven't been to one for years. My dad was a museum lover and took me to lots when I was a kid. Not very often.... they are quite boring usually, just the fact you have to be quiet, not touch anything, and read those tiny little notes about each thing. 3. In you childhood, what experience of art did you have? 题目让人崩溃,想想好像只参加过合唱团什么的,还出过板报,不知道算不算艺术。 When I was in primary school, I used to draw a lot. Not to brag, I could draw anything. I was best at still life. Hardly any. I was kind of a bookworm. I was not very much into art. I spent most of my time working on maths and physics problems. 4. What art form were you best at? Photography. I can take excellent pictures. None. I’m not really artistic, nor musical. I’m more of an outdoors type. 其实自己连outdoors type都不是,整天上班...周末上课... 5. Do you think it’s important to keep art in school? Yes, art must stay in schools without question. It is a great way to vent feelings and express ideas and views. I could not imagine a school not offering art to its students. Sure. Art isn't just about art. Art is a creative skill. It's a thinking process that can be used in all areas in one’s life. It teaches one to think outside the box, to search for alternative solutions and to dare to try something different. 的确是很需要(也没啥理由),想起在卢浮宫参观的时候,看到一些法国小学生盘腿坐在地上,听老师讲解名画,艺术课搬到卢浮宫去上了,看来什么都要从娃娃抓起呀! 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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