It’s popular, but not so popular like keeping dogs as pets. My grandfather keeps birds. He has got some singing birds. They look lovely.
我们应不应该保护鸟 什么措施
All animals should be protected, and birds are one of them. We should punish those who kill birds. Besides, we should protect the environment to give better living place to them.
Illegal to take their eggs
Illegal to keep them as a pet
Illegal to cage them
Illegal to eat native birds
Ballroom dance
Folk dancing
Modern dancing: disco, jazz, hip-hop, R & B (rhythm and blues)
Latin dancing: rhumba, chacha, samba, flamingo flaminco, tango
Children will go to dancing class to learn it. Some old people will go to the park to learn it from others.
Chinese traditional dancing
中国人大概在什么时候跳舞On what occasions do Chinese dance?
Chinese go dancing as an exercise, and some do it every morning. Others will dance during festivals, but there is no such a tradition in my family.
At the wedding ceremony