

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月04日 11:47   新浪教育

  江河湖海 river/lake/sea(当成有水的地方准备)

  有趣之旅 long journey

  帮助 help

  积极改变 positive change in life

  快乐事件 happy event

  信件、邮件 letter/email/postcard

  公司 a big organization

  工作 ideal job

  趣闻 interesting news

  喜欢的游戏 game in childhood

  孩子 teenager

  书籍 book

  电影 film

  婚礼 wedding

  餐厅 restaurant

  特别的家庭事件 special family event

  照片 favorite photo

  拜访 the time somebody visited you

  合作项目 project


  迟到 the time that you were late

  建议 a piece of advice you got

  想与之共度时光的人 someone you want to spend time with


  你想成为的人someone you want to be similar to

  工作优秀的人 a person good at his or her work


  网站 website


  想学的另一门外语 a second foreign language you want to learn

  一部法律 law

  表演 a show or performance

  homework that you did

  a family (not your own) that you admire 你羡慕的一个家庭

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