

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月19日 17:00   新浪教育

  14. A game you played when you were a child

  15. A photo

  16. A website

  17. Advice

  18. A wild animal

  19. Your favourite season (New)

  20. An item of clothes for special occasion (New)

  21. A sculpture or work of art (New)

  22. Something special you want to buy (New)

  23. Something helps you learn another language (New)


  1. A Time When You Helped Someone

  2. Environmental problem

  3. A happy Event

  4. A long trip

  5. A Successful Experience (New)

  6. An Educational visit (New)

  7. An important stage of your life New)

  8. A sport event (New)

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