

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月02日 11:27   新浪教育

  wince V. /退缩/shrink back; flinch. The screech of the chalk on the blackboard made her wince.


  balmy ADJ. /柔和的;芳香的/mild; fragrant. A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast.


  banal ADJ. /平凡,陈腐,老生常谈/hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking origi­nality. The hack writer's worn-out clich6s made his comic sketch seem banal. He even resorted to the banality of hav­ing someone slip on a banana peel!

  SAM:=ba + na + l 爸爸和娜娜都谈了一个老生常谈的问题。

  ruffian N. /流氓;恶棍;痞子/bully; scoundrel. The ruffians threw stones at the police.

  SAM:=rude + ff + ian 粗鲁的狒狒ff是一个an 流氓,恶棍。

  ruminate V. /反复咀嚼;消化;深思;反刍/chew over and over (mentally, or, like cows, physically); mull over; ponder. Unable to digest quickly the baffling events of the day, Reuben ruminated about them till four in the morning.

  SAM:= run + in + ate rum= run 跑到里面去反复吃ate,就是反复咀嚼,深思。

  rummage V. /到处翻寻/ransack; thoroughly search. When we rum­maged through the trunks in the attic, we found many sou­venirs of our childhood days. also N.

  SAM: = run + mm + age 跑run过去到处翻寻妹妹MM.

  ruse N. /技巧;策略,计谋/trick; stratagem. You will not be able to fool your friends with such an obvious ruse.

  SAM:拒绝refuse别人要讲究技巧,策略. refuse --- ruse

  sedition N. /抵抗当局;反抗;暴动/resistance to authority; insubordination. His words, though not treasonous in themselves, were calcu­lated to arouse thoughts of sedition.

  SAM: sed=sit 静坐也是抵抗当局,反抗。

  sedulous ADJ. /勤奋的;勤勤恳恳的/diligent; hardworking. After weeks of patient and sedulous labor, we completed our detailed analysis of every published SAT examination.

  SAM: sed=sit ous = 多,过多坐在那里的同学是勤奋的,勤勤恳恳的。



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