

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月18日 13:44   无忧雅思网

  Part 1:


  1 **house

  2. study/work

  3. Hometown


  5. Internet /letter/email

  6. music

  7. *shopping

  8. food

  9. Weather/ season


  11. Names

  12. Photo

  13.* Garden/park

  14. *Holiday/birthday 15.life stage

  **Family member **=old person you admire=spend time with=a good cook*

  A famous person=successful person(重点)=someone good at his job

  Friend=Child / sb you helped

  . * library/place used to study(重点)

  b). a polluted city*

  c). Historic site=tourism attraction /a city (travel) =long journey***

  d). traffic jam /describe a situation when you had to wait e). a home/family you like

  3. Media

  A).advertisement= electronic equipment/ **sth. for learning English** =sth. you want to buy=gift

  C).interesting speech or lecture

  D).TV program = a piece of good/interesting news**

  E) book /film

  4. Abstract things

  A). childhood song/activity/ toy/ game * /sports*

  B). a good law **

  C). organization*

  D). performance/happy event

  E) **Advice

  F)* clothes for special occasion

  G). **A course you want to take (another language, sth. new you want to do or learn) (重点)

  补充题目:success/important letter/future change, Health problem

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