
雅思口语替换连接词 助你考试添彩

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月24日 14:44   沪江英语


  But I guess the most…would probably be…

  However, I suppose the most… could possibly be…

  Though I think the most…would potentially be…

  Yet I imagine the most… may well be

  Still, I suspect that the most… could perhaps be.。


  Well, in general, I would say that…

  Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say that…

  Well, to be honest I should really say that…

  Of course I think I’d have to say that…

  Certainly I would definitelysay that…

  Well, I guess that generally speaking I would certainly say that…



  Apart from that…

  In addition…

  Likewise, as might be expected, there are things like…

  And naturally, there are things like…

  And of course, there’s the usual things like…

  And obviously you can also find things like…


  And the main characteristic of … is that…

  And the unique aspect of …is that …

  And one exceptionalaspect with … is that…

  The first thing I’d like to mention is that…

  The point I should begin with is that …

  The main thing you need to be aware is that…

  I suppose I should begin with the fact that …

  You maybe aware that in fact…


  Another point I would love to say is that…

  On top of that I can also add that…

  And I shouldn't forget to mention that …

  In additionto what I’ve just said, I can add that…

  Apart from what I’ve mentioned, another key point is that

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