

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年04月17日 15:13   太傻网

  What do you usually do with your friends?

  We usually go to the movies. My friends and I like cartoons very much, so we will look in the newspaper where a new cartoon is being showed and go and watch it. In addition, we like to watch a good action movie from time to time. We find the spectacular crashes and explosions very exiting. These movies are from Hong Kong or Hollywood, and have famous actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise playing in them。

  3. News

  What are the different ways people get news?

  Newspapers, TV, Radio and magazines are the most important channels through which we get the news.Nowadays, Internet offers us a much easier access to the information. Sometimes our friends like to talk about daily events, which provides another way for us to get news。

  What types of news do you like?

  I prefer TV news to the radio news. I can get a better understanding of the news on TV because I can see the vivid pictures and images. In addition, I feel more convinced of the news through watching some TV interviews. Also, I like international news because I like to keep up-to-date about what's going on in the world in case I'm going on vacation, or need to do business abroad. I also like it because it teaches me about other cultures and that way learn a lot about human psychology。

  Do you think children like the news? 

  No I don't think they are interested because it is soo depressing and kids look for humour in TV also they would be too young to understand what was going on。

  Are old people and young people interested in the same (kinds of) news?

  It really depends on the individual and not their age.  For example: I know young people who are very interested in global events and some elderly interested in celebrity watching, and vice-versa. It is individual preference. 

  How does the news affect people?

  News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isn't news but propaganda in my opinion. It's like the good old saying LeLe always mentioned: Some people would rather believethe lies of Satan than the truth of God. 

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