

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年07月21日 17:59   沪江英语


  Fruit/ Vegetables

  Do you like fruit?

  How often do you eat fruit?

  What kind of fruit do you like best?Why?

  What are the benefits of eating more fruit?

  Do you like vegetables?

  How often do you eat vegetables?

  What kind of vegetables do you like best?

  What are the benefits of eating vegetables?


  How do you get the news?

  What kind of news are you interested in?

  Is it the same for the old and young?

  Is it important to know the news?


  How do you feel about advertisements?

  What kind of advertisement do you like the most?

  Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?

  Where can we see advertisements?

  What effect do (or can) advertisements have on young children?

  What kinds of advertisements are on the radio?

  Do you think the number of advisements will increase in the future?

  What (kinds of) products do you think are most suitable to be advertised?  


  Can you drive a car?

  Do you have a driving license?

  Is it important to drive well?

  Is driving license important in China?

  Will kids be allowed to drive cars in the future


  Do you often write letters?

  Is the handwriting important nowadays?

  What are the benefits of handwriting?

  Daily Life

  What do you do during your daily life?

  How do you allocate your working time and your studying time?

  What do you do with the internet?

  When do you get up every day?

  What is the best time of a day?


  Do you want to go out alone or in a group?

  How often do you meet your friends?

  What do you do when you are with friends?


  Are bicycles popular in China or in your hometown?

  Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years?

  How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?

  What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles compared to cars?

  Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?


  Do people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?

  Do u think it is important for people to celebrate them?

  How did you celebrate your last birthday?

  Is the birthday more important for adults or young people


  Do you often write emails?

  What are the advantages of writing emails?

  What types of emails/letters do you write, business or personal? Which one is hard?

  What’s the difference between letters and emails?


  What kinds of museums are popular in China?

  What can people learn from these places?

  Do you think that people should pay money to go to museums?

  How can a museum attract people?


  do you like swimming?

  when did you learn to swim?

  where do people swim?

  what are the benefits of swimming?


  人:Someone Who is Good at Cooking

  物:an equipment/gift/Toy/letter

  地:Library/ A place with a lot of water

  事:a picnic or meal/ a job you like to do/ an exciting sport/ a long trip which is not planned/ a science lesson/ A Conversation You Had

  媒:Film/News/Tv program/advertisement


  An Advertisement(必考)

  1.what kind of advertisement it is

  2.what it is about

  3.what is special about it

  4.people’s comments on it

  living in a modern civilization, everyone of us seems to have been surrounded in advertisements since the very first day. Indubitably, our time is an era filled with media and stuffed by information, accompanied by millions of advertisements. Many of them are coarsely made and disappear immediately while some are, on the contrary, delicately crafted and stay in people’s mind forever. Sifting through my head for one of this kind, I can’t help telling you this below。

  It is a long ad which implies a love story between two lovers who belong to different worlds. The boy is fixed in a statue and could only be freed at night while the girl living in a painting could come out only during the daylight. Loving each other so much but being allowed no time together, they enjoy the sweetness of love and the misery of departure simultaneously. They stand beside each other from the begging of time to the end of eternity。

  As part of the publicity for an on-line game, the advertisement isn’t complicated but means so much behind. It spares a large space of imagination for people who watch it and has received a series of good comments. Personally speaking, if a lot more advertisements can be made like this, it would bring more pleasure。

  A Photograph(这个是老题了,但这次会重考,同学们注意,不需要太复杂)

  1.what the photograph is about

  2.when and where you took it

  3.what memories it brings to you

  4.what feelings it might give you

  A photograph is always like a story of a certain period. And there is one exactly so。

  It was taken at my ten-year-old birthday party; everybody is in jubilation, especially my grandpa, who converted all his usually austere and serious image to a warm and hospitable one. Espying that converse, I ventured to put forth a requirement of taking a picture with him accordingly. Unexpectedly, he agreed readily. “one, two, three” along with the sound of snipsnap afterwards , the picture presented in my eyes now came into being , which is the first and also the last picture of grandpa and I。

  I miss him---my beloved grandpa, because under that austere foreground I can perceive a pent-up treasure of tenderness and fineness in his character。

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