

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月18日 10:15   无忧雅思网


  V30019; V30040s2,s4; V30041s2,s4; V30042s1,s3,s4; V30043s3,s4; V30045s1,s3,s4; V30058s1,s3; V30060s1,s3,s4; V30064s1,s2,s3; V30083s1,s3,s4; V30085s2,s3;  V30086s1,s2,s3; V40110s2,s3; V50101s1,s3; V50112s4; V50121s4; V50127s3; V50130s2,s3; V50134s4; V50147s2,s3; V30020; V30090s2,s3,s4;

  V06110s1,s2; V06134s1,s3; V06141s1,s2,s3; V06144s1,s2; V06148s4; V07134s2,s3,s4; V07138s2,s3; V07141s1,s2; V07143s1,s4; V07147s1,s4; V08120s2,s4; V08129s1,s4; V08130s4; V08134s3,s4; V08135s1,s4; V08136s2,s3; V08138s1,s2; V08140s2,s3,s4; V08143s1,s3; V08144s2,s4; V50233s2,s4 V08145s1,s2; V08146s1,s2; V08417s1,s2,s3; V30018;  V30032s1,s3; V30033s1,s3,s4; V30034s1,s3,s4; V30036s1,s3,s4; V30037s1,s3,s4; V30038s1,s2,s3; V30039s1,s3; V30044s1,s2,s3; V30049s1,s2,s3; V30059s2,s4; V30061s1,s2,s4; V30062s2,s3,s4; V30072s1,s3,s4; V30074s1,s3,s4; V30076s1,s3,s4; V30078s1,s2,s4; V30080s1,s2,s3; V30081


  1.  Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful. However, it is rare for the old people to use them.  In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to the old people? What could be done to encourage the old people to use mobile phones and the Internet?

  2.  Once children start school, the teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development than parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  3.  Recent statistics show that the crimes committed by the young people in the major city of the world are on the increase. Give your analysis of the reasons and the solutions。

  4.  Now because of the improved technology communication and transport, people can choose anywhere to live or work. Do its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  供稿: 贾若寒 

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