

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月10日 10:34   新东方在线 官方微博

  What type of exercise one should__14__depens upon one’s physical condition. Young people can safely enjoy vigorous competitive sports, but most older persons do better to limit themselves to less strenuous activities. Walking, swimming, skating are among the sports that one can enjoy and safely participate__15__throughout life. Regularity is important if one is to get the most enjoyment and benefit out of exercise。

  1.A for    B to    C at    D of

  2.A heaviness    B highness    C amount    D number

  3. A which    B where    C when    D why

  4. A carry    B make    C bring    D take

  5. A point    B place    C left    D reverse

  6. A these    B this    C those    D that

  7. A against    B below    C on    D of

  8. A easy    B hard    C impossible    D unnecessary

  9. A very    B too    C constantly    D considerably

  10. A depends    B bases    C acts    D carries

  11. A refer    B regard    C serve    D treat

  12. A delayed    B defended    C designed    D determined

  13. A other    B another    C one    D same

  14. A endure    B choose    C rebuild    D produce

  15. A with    B from    C in    D on





  Food Safety and Foodborne Illness

  Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Governments all over world are intensifying their efforts to improve food safety. These efforts are in response__1__an increasing number of food safety problems and __2__consumer concerns。

  Foodborne illnesses are__3__as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food. Every person is__4__risk of foodborne illness。

  Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health problem, both in developed__5__developing countries. The global__6__of foodborne disease is difficult to estimate, but it has been reported that in 2005__7__8 million people died from diarrhoeal diseases. A great__8__of these cases can be attributed to contamination of food and drinking water. __9__, diarrhoea is a major cause of malnutrition in infants and young children。

  Industrialized countries, the percentage of the population suffering from foodborne diseases each year has been reported to be 10 __10__30%. In the United States of America (USA), for example, around 76 million cases of foodborne diseases, __11__325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths, are estimated to occur each year。

  While less well documented, developing countries bear the brunt of the problem due to the presence of a wide__12__of foodborne diseases, including those caused by parasites. The high__13__of diarrhoeal diseases in many developing countries suggests major underlying food safety problems。

  In parternership__14__other stakeholders, WHO is developing policies that will further promote the safety of food. Theses policies cover the entire food chain from production to consumption and will__15__different types of expertise。

  1.A to    B against    C with    D towards

  2.A raising    B arising    C rising    D rosen

  3. A declared    B defined    C derived    D demanded

  4. A with    B within    C at    D in

  5. A or    B with    C of    D and

  6. A incident    B incidence    C accident    D instance

  7. A lonely    B alone    C alonely    D lone

  8. A size    B position    C proportion    D amount

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