

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月10日 10:34   新东方在线 官方微博

  9. A Nevertheless    B However    C Whatever    D Additionally

  10. A up to    B down to    C up towards    D down towards

  11. A resulting from    B resulting in    C resulted from    D resulted in

  12. A range    B distance    C order    D arrangement

  13. A prevailing    B spreading    C prevalent    D prevalence

  14. A of    B for    C from    D with

  15. A make use of    B take use of    C make use    D take use









  Pandemic H1N1 2009

  The most active areas of pandemic influenza transmission currently are in central and eastern Europe. Focal increases in rates during recent weeks were reported in at least two astern European countries. A high intensity of respiratory diseases activity__1__concurrent circulation of pandemic influenza still__2__parts of southern and eastern Europe, __3__in Greece, Poland, and Ukraine。

  In Western Europe, influenza__4__remains active and widespread, but overall disease activity has peaked. All influenza viruses in Western Europe were pandemic H1N1 2009, however, very small__5__of seasonal influenza viruses, covering less than 1% of all influenza viruses__6__, were reported in Russia. __7__, limited available data indicate that active, high intensity transmission is occurring in Northern African countries__8__the Mediterranean coast。

  In Central Asia, limited data__9__that influenza virus circulation remains active, but transmission may have recently peaked in some places. In West Asia, Israel, Iran, and Iraq also appear__10__their peak period of transmission within the past month, though__11__areas continue to have some active transmission and levels of respiratory disease activity have not yet returned to baseline levels. In East Asia, influenza transmission remains active but appears to be __12__overall. __13__increase in ILI were reported in Mongolia after weeks of declining activity following a large peak of activity over one month ago。

  In North America, influenza transmission__14__widespread but has declined quickly in all countries. In the tropical regions of Central and South America and the Caribbean, influenza transmission remains geographically widespread but overall disease activity has been declining ot remains unchanged in most parts, __15__focal increases in respiratory disease activity in a few countries。

  1.A of    B with    C for    Din

  2.A remains of    B keeps    C exists in     D develops

  3. A particularly    B usually    C exactly    D completely

  4. A transport    B transmission    C development    D occurrence

  5. A amounts    B counts    C calculations    D numbers

  6. A to find    B finding    C finds    D found

  7. A However    B Nevertheless    C But    D In addition

  8. A along    B on    C at    D around

  9. A advise    B propose    C suggest    D recommend

  10. A to pass    B passing    C to have passed    D passed

  11. A both    B all    C none    D neither

  12. A declining    B reducing    C below    D under

  13. A Little    B Big    C Slight    D Great

  14. A reduces    B remains    C increases    D prevents

  15. A apart from    B beside    C besides    D except for








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