

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 16:57   新东方在线微博


  4月28日、29日的口语话题汇总根据各个考点同学回忆归纳整理而成。从本次口语考试来看,part one部分出现频次较高的话题是hometown、exercise、studies、dance 及accommodation等话题。part two部分地点题a foreign place you’d like to travel、物品题a book you’d like to read again等话题出现频次较高。希望同学能将本次出现的话题好好准备。

  Part one

  1. hometown (福州、杭州、北京、长沙)

  Do you prefer to live in a big city or countryside?

  Whether a small city is suitable for young man?

  what's your hometown famous for?

  Is your hometown good for young people to live?

  2. exercise (福州、北京)

  What kinds of sports do you like?

  Are you good at exercise?

  3. studies (深圳、杭州、北京)

  What subject are you studying?

  4. Languages (杭州、北京)

  5. weather (长沙、澳洲)

  6. dancing (长沙、杭州、北京、广州)

  7. name (长沙)

  8. job (南宁)

  9. internet (南宁)

  10. Accommodation (长沙、广州、福州、北京)

  Can you describe the place where you live?

  What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

  What are the differences between the flat and apartment?

  What kinds of rooms do you like?

  Where do you want to live in the future?

  11. clothes (长沙)

  Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears?

  Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?

  12. weekend (杭州)

  13. book (福州)

  14. email and letters (北京)

  16. public transportation (广州、石家庄)

  Do you often use public transportation?

  What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?

  For you, what are the benefits (advantages) of using that form of transportation?

  17. weather (杭州、北京)

  18. dancing (福州)

  19. neighbors (杭州)

  20. parks (杭州)

  Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?

  Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?

  How often do you go there?

  What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?

  21. newspaper (南京)

  22. collection (南京)

  23. mobile phones (深圳)

  Part two & three


  1. A Leader You Admire (北京)

  Describe a leader who you admire.You should say:who this person iswhat this person did (has done) that you admirehow you know this person or know about this personand explain how this leader's qualities impressed you。

  Part three

  Would you like to (do you want to) be a leader?

  What are the responsibilities of leadership?

  2. Describe a good student you have studied with. (福州)

  You should say:

  who they were

  when you studied together

  what relationship you had with this person

  and explain why you think he or she was (or is) a good student。

  3. A Person Who Taught You A Useful Skill (杭州)

  Describe a person who taught you a useful skill。

  You should say:who this person is (or, was)what you learned from them (= him or her)why they taught you thisand explain how you felt about learning from this person。

  Part three

  What are the various influences on children that affect the learning they experience?

  In general, how much influence do you think parents have on their children's learning?

  What do you think parents should teach their children?

  4. A Leader You Admire (北京)

  Describe a leader who you admire。

  You should say:

  who this person is

  what this person did (has done) that you admire

  how you know this person or know about this person

  and explain how this leader's qualities impressed you。


  1. Describe an outdoor place you have been to where you felt relaxed. (杭州)

  You should say:

  when you went there

  where it was

  what it was like

  what you did there

  and explain why you felt relaxed in this place。

  Part three

  In cities and big towns, why do you think people need to find a special place in order to relax?

  Do you think the way people in big cities relax is the same as the way people in the countryside relax?

  Do you think that stress is beneficial to people?

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