

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 16:57   新东方在线微博


  1. Describe a useful practical skill that you learned. (深圳)

  You should say:

  why you learned this skill

  how (and when) you learned it

  how difficult it was to learn

  and explain how this skill is useful to you。

  part three

  What are some differences between the skills people learn today and the skills people learned in the past?

  Do you think it's better to learn things in "real life" or from textbooks?

  What skills do you think children should (or, need to) learn?

  What are the earliest skills that children learn?

  Do you think children learn skills faster than adults?

  2. A Foreign Music (杭州)

  Describe an occasion when you heard some music from another country。

  You should say:

  what type of music it was

  where you heard it

  when you heard it

  and explain how you felt when you heard it。

  3. A family Photograph (南宁)

  Describe a photograph

  You should say:

  who took the photo

  when it was taken

  where it was taken

  and explain why you like it。

  4.Something made by yourself (福州)

  Describe something that you have made by yourself. You should say:

  Why you have made it,

  When you have made it,

  What you needed in order to make it。

  Part three

  What kind of things do people like making by themselves?

  What kind of skills do people need to make things?

  What is the difference between handmade products and factory made products?

  5. A Piece of Furniture (福州、北京)

  Describe a piece of furniture in your home。

  You should say:

  what it is

  where it is

  what it looks like

  and explain how or why you use it。

  Part three

  How do people decide what furniture to buy for the home or office?

  Are there any different opinions between man and women when choosing furniture?

  6. Something You Lost (石家庄)

  Describe a time when you lost something。

  You should say:what you lostwhen and where and you lost itwhat you were doing at the timeand explain how you felt after you lost it。

  Part three

  Do you often lose something?

  What kinds of things do people often lose?

  7. A Foreign Music (石家庄)

  Describe an occasion when you heard some music from another country.You should say:what type of music it waswhere you heard itwhen you heard itand explain how you felt when you heard it. 

  Part three

  What is the importance of music in people's lives?

  Do you think that music adds something to people's lives?

  What's your favorite style of music?

  8. A Book You Would Like to Read Again (北京、广州)

  Describe a type of book you like to read。

  You should say:

  what's the name of the bookwhat type of book it is what content it hasand explain why you like to read this type of book。

  Part three

  What are the differences between the paper-made book and electronic book?


  Describe a time when you saw a wild animal. (长沙、杭州)

  You should say:

  what animal it was

  where you saw it

  what happened when you saw it

  and explain how do people in your country feel about this animal。

  Part three

  Do you think the wild animal can promote the economy of your country?

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