

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 16:57   新东方在线微博

  2. A Restaurant (广州)

  Describe a place where you sometimes go to eat lunch (or dinner).You should say:    where it is    what it looks like    who you usually eat with    what you usually eatand explain why you like to go to this place。

  Part three

  What do you think is "healthy food"?

  Do you think home-cooked meals are usually healthy food?

  3. A Foreign Place You'd Like to Travel to (广州、澳洲、北京、墨尔本)

  Describe a foreign place that you would like to travel to。

  You should say:

  where you would like to go

  how you would go there

  who you would go with

  and explain why you would like to go to this place。

  Part three

  Would you prefer to travel with your parents or with some friends? (Why?)

  What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling in a group?

  Do Chinese people prefer to travel in groups or individually?

  Would you prefer (do you prefer) to travel alone or with a friend?

  4. A city or a town you know well (北京、深圳)

  Describe a city or a town you know well。

  You should say:what place it was (or, where it was)why you went therewho you would go withand explain how you felt about this city or town。

  Part three

  Are there any traffic-free zones? where are they located?

  How do most people travel to and from work?

  What is rush hour like?

  What is the city's biggest problem?

  What has the city done about it?

  Is there anything else the city could do?


  1. wedding (福州)

  Describe a wedding you attended。

  You should say:

  whose wedding it was

  who was there

  where it was

  and explain how you felt at this wedding

  part three

  what kinds of presents do you give in wedding in china?

  Do you give money as presents?

  2. Your Future Work Plans (杭州)

  Describe a job you would like to have in the future. 

  You should say:

  what this job would involve

  what study you would need to do to prepare for this work 

  why you would like to have this job

  and explain what skills you would need for this work。

  Part three

  What kind of the jobs that can get high payment in china?

  What kind of the jobs are in low payment and why ?

  If there is a job that can make you earn much more money but you do not like it, how would you make your choice?

  3. A Situation When You Were Congratulated (福州)

  Describe a situation when you received congratulations from others 。

  You should say:what the situation waswho congratulated youwhy you were congratulatedand explain how you felt。

  Part three

  What do you think is the most difficult part about becoming successful?

  Why do many people have plans and goals for themselves?

  4. Aspecial meal (广州、深圳)

  Describe a special meal that you either cooked or ate。

  You should say:

  What the meal consisted of and who made it

  If it was for a special occasion, Where you cooked it or ate it

  And explain why the meal was so special

  Part three

  Do people prefer to eat at home or in a restaurant?

  Do you think the western food in your city is authentic?

  Do you think that the atmosphere will have an influence on restaurants?

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