
2015年03月20日13:37  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  备考托福[微博]的同学们一起来看看托福阅读素材之微软今夏发布Windows 10

  Microsoft Corp. announced that Windows 10 will launch in 190 countries and111 languages around the world this summer。

  微软宣布,拥有111种语言版本的Windows 10将于今年夏天在190个国家和地区发布。

  At the Windows Hardware Engineering Community or WinHEC summit, TerryMyerson, executive vice president of Windows, Microsoft also announced a diversecollection of strategic partnerships with leading global companies across thegreater China region, including Lenovo, Tencent and Qihu 360.


  Lenovo announced it will offer Windows 10 upgrade services at 2,500 servicecenters and select retail stores in China when the Windows 10 upgrade isavailable. Lenovo also announced its commitment to build Windows Phones, to beavailable mid-year 2015 in China via China Mobile。


  Microsoft also announced a strategic partnership with Tencent, the leadingsocial networking and gaming services company in China. Tencent will offerWindows 10 as a free upgrade to Tencent customers on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1in China via an easy and seamless upgrade. Tencent will create one of the firstWindows 10 universal apps for its flagship QQ app, which has over 800 millioncustomers throughout China, and bring its most popular PC games, including"League of Legends," "Cross Fire" and "Dungeon & Fighter," to Windows 10 andthe new Windows Store。

  微软还宣布与中国领先的社交网络和游戏公司腾讯结成战略合作伙伴。腾讯将为其用户提供从Windows 7或Windows8.1简单无缝升级到Windows 10的免费服务。它的旗舰产品——拥有8亿用户的QQ也会为Windows10开发新版本,并成为其首批通用应用之一。除此之外,腾讯还将为Windows 10和新WindowsStore提供它最受欢迎的游戏大作,包括《英雄联盟》《穿越火线》和《地下城与勇士》。

  小编注:通用应用Universal App是微软在Windows10中加入的新功能,这种程序能够在装有Windows系统的手机、平板、电脑等设备上通用。

  Qihu 360, a Internet security company in China, announced a partnershipwith Microsoft to bring Windows 10, for free, to its customers in China throughseamless upgrades. Qihu 360 will enable the Windows 10 upgrade with just a fewclicks for their customers with accelerated download speeds。

  中国互联网安全公司奇虎360宣布和微软合作,为中国的360用户免费提供Windows 10的无缝升级。用户只需几次点击就能高速下载Windows10升级。

  Through a new program with Xiaomi Inc., one of the top smartphonedistributors in the world, a select group of Xiaomi Mi 4 power users will beinvited to help test Windows 10 and contribute to its future release later thisyear. They will have the opportunity to download the Windows 10 TechnicalPreview, install it and provide their feedback to Microsoft。

  小米是世界顶级的智能手机商之一。它的新项目能让部分特定的小米手机4用户获得Windows10的测试邀请,并为今年晚些时间发布的版本做出贡献。这些用户可以下载、安装Windows 10技术预览版,并向微软提供反馈。


    更多信息请访问:新浪托福频道 托福最新资讯


文章关键词: 托福考试素材

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