

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月01日 15:18   新浪教育


  Answers: domestic, campaign, execute, immigration, foreigner, eyewitness, deny, punishment, civil, liberty。

  1. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion。

  A. can you

  B. you can

  C. would you

  D. you would

  2. ______ that this region was so rich in natural resources。

  A. Little he knew

  B. Little did he know C.Little he did know

  D. Little he had known

  3. Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency。

  A. Alfred E. Smith seriously sought

  B. seriously Alfred E. Smith sought

  C. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek

  D. did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek

  4. Only in recent years ______ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm。

  A. people have

  B. since people have

  C. have people

  D. people who have

  5. _______, we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands。

  A. What may come

  B. come what may

  C. May what come

  D. What come

  6. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head。

  A. that he turned

  B. did he turn

  C. he didn't turn

  D. he had turned

  7. ______ received law degrees as today。

  A. Never so women have

  B. The women aren't ever

  C. Women who have never

  D. Never have so many women

  8. Heat does not travel by convection in solid, because the solid does not move, ______。

  A. so does a liquid

  B. so a liquid does

  C. as does a liquid

  D. so is a liquid

  9. On no account ______ to anyone。

  A. my name must be mentioned

  B. must my name mention

  C. must my name be mentioned

  D. my name must mention

  10. ______ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent。

  A. Such construction robots are clever

  B. So clever the construction robots are

  C. So clever are the construction robots

  D. Such clever construction robots are

  answers: 1---5 a,b,d,c,c,; 6—10:b,d,b,c, c.|www.examda.com


  1.民间的a f ______; 2.意识 n c _________; 3. 自发的 a s __________;

  4.多媒体的 a m___________; 5. 鼓舞 v i__________; 6. 概述,总结 v s___________;

  7.协调 n h________; 8.音乐家 n m_______; 9.乐器 n I__________; 10. 舞厅 n b______;

  Answers: folk, consciousness; spontaneous; multimedia; inspire; summarize; harmony; musician; instrument; ball。








  1. The new music was built out of material already in existence。

  2. Folk music expresses peace, friendship and hope。

  3. Instead of passive audiences, they have become active participants。

  4. Music simply wells out o f him。

  5. For the sake of your health, you shouldn't take on so much work。考试大收集整理

  1. His success was because of ________ he had been working hard 。

  A. that

  B. the fact which

  C. the fact that

  D. the fact

  2."Is Mary from New York City " "I don't know _______."

  A. from what city does she come from

  B. from what city she come

  C. what city does she come from

  D. what city she comes from

  3.________ makes mistakes must correct them。

  A. What

  B. That

  C. Whoever

  D. Whatever

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