A taste of your own medicine 以其人之道,还治其人之身

A woman opens her mouth to receive ‘fish medicine’.

A man administers a special medicine – a small, live fish – to a woman with asthma in Hyderabad, India. Photo: Photo/Mahesh Kumar A/AP


Each year, approximately 70,000 people with asthma and other breathing difficulties attend a meeting in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad. They each swallow a small live fish, which is believed to help cure breathing problems.



短语 'a taste of your own medicine' 的意思是你曾经怎么样对待别人,现在别人也用同样的方式对待你,让你自尝苦果,以其人之道,还治其人之身。


Now you see how it feels to have someone call you names! You are getting a taste of your own medicine!

He got a taste of his own medicine when she decided to turn up late.


另一个短语 'laughter is the best medicine' 意思是笑能治病,笑能养身,其实就是汉语里的所谓笑一笑十年少。

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