End of an era 一个时代的结束

The sun sets over the Olympic park for the final time during London 2012. Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
The Paralympic Games closed in a spectacular ceremony in the Olympic stadium, marking the end of an era for London 2012. The Games have been widely cited as the most successful in history, with many world records broken throughout the fortnight. Seb Coe, chairman of the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, said last night: "We will never think of disability in the same way."
残奥会在奥林匹克体育场举行的壮观闭幕式中落下帷幕, 标志着一个时代的结束。2012年伦敦奥运被广泛视为历史上最成功的一次,两周内有许多世界纪录被打破。伦敦奥运会和伦敦残奥会主席, 科尔昨晚说: “我们将永远不会再以同样的方式去看待残疾和缺陷了。”
在一个重要历史阶段或一项重大活动告一段落时,我们可以使用短语 the end of an era 来表示,一个时代的结束。
We're going to be leaving university next week – it will be the end of an era.
The defending champion lost her title in the marathon, marking the end of an era for her athletics success.
Most people choose to download music nowadays. It's the end of an era for CDs.
表示一个新的,与以往不同的阶段即将开始,可以使用the dawn of a new era, 一个新纪元的黎明。
We're getting a new manager next week and I've heard she wants to change everything – it's going to be the dawn of a new era in our office!
I finally decided to leave home and get a flat on my own – it's the dawn of a new era for me!