A tower of strength 中流砥柱

Australian Paralympic athlete Russell Short stands silhouetted against the sun during the men's shot put final at the Olympic Stadium. Photo: Reuters/Stefan Wermuth
Built adjacent to the Olympic Stadium is the ArcelorMittal Orbit, a 115m sculpture and observation tower. Created specifically for the London 2012 Olympics, it is Britain's largest piece of public art. It was designed by Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond and part-funded by the steel magnate, Lakshmi Mittal. Kapoor was inspired to design a tower that had a spiral, coiling form and was influenced by the painting, 'The Tower of Babel' by the Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
同奥林匹克体育馆毗邻的阿塞洛-米塔尔瞭望塔是一座高 115米,看上去疯狂扭曲的巨型雕塑。是专门为 2012 年伦敦奥运会设计的, 也是英国大型的公共艺术作品。由建筑师 Anish Kapoor,Cecil Balmond 设计建造,由钢铁大亨 Lakshmi Mittal 提供部分赞助。这座螺旋形扭曲高塔的设计者是从佛兰德斯艺术家 Pieter Bruegel the Elder 的著名绘画“巴别塔”得到灵感的。
在英语里 a tower of strength 用来形容一个非常可以信赖的人,一个支柱般的人,一个中流砥柱。同义短语是 a pillar of strength.
After losing my job, Stefan was a tower of strength and encouraged me to start looking for new employment.
Jane was a real tower of strength for the family following their devastating news.
David is always a tower of strength when things turn horrible at work.
形容某人脱离实际,孤芳自赏就是 to be in an ivory tower 身在象牙塔里。
Our local politician seems to live in an ivory tower – he doesn't know what it's really like to live in this area.
If you didn't spend so much time in your ivory tower, you'd know what people really think.