Give something the thumbs up 同意赞成

Sini Zeng of China passes her coach on her way to a gold medal in the pursuit cycling event during the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Photo: Bryn Lennon/Getty
The gesture of thumbs up is often believed to originate in ancient Rome following gladiatorial combat when the fate of a defeated warrior was decided by spectators watching the event. They would gesture either with thumbs downturned - to mimic the stabbing motion of a dagger - to indicate the warrior be executed, or if the warrior had fought well, an upturned thumb - or thumbs up - would signify the warrior could be spared.
短语 to give something the thumbs up 竖起大拇指,意思就是赞成同意这件事情。
Daisy's cake was delicious – I'd definitely give it the thumbs up.
Wait until I give the thumbs up before you send that email to head office.
The boss just gave me the thumbs up to take three days off next week.
另一个短语 to thumb through something 意思是 随意浏览翻阅杂志书刊。
I was in a rush so I only got to thumb through your novel on the train.
At the hairdresser's salon, Helen enjoyed thumbing through their selection of magazines.