The life and soul of the party 交际场上的灵魂人物

Performers dance in the streets of London at the Notting Hill Carnival. Photo: Oli Scarff/Getty Images
The Notting Hill Carnival is Europe's biggest street festival and takes place every summer. The streets of West London come alive with parades of colourful costumes and thousands of spectators. The Caribbean-inspired carnival started in 1964 and is now in its 48th year.
诺丁山狂欢节是欧洲最大的街头游行盛会,每年夏天在伦敦举行。多姿多彩和色泽鲜艳的狂欢队伍及前来凑热闹的人们密布于伦敦西部的许多大街小巷。这个受加勒比海启发的狂欢节开始于 1964 年,这已经是第 48 个年头了。
当我们形容某人为 the life and soul of the party, 这就是说这个人非常善于社交,在社交场合中成为焦点。
Johnny was talking to everyone and telling funny jokes. He was the life and soul of the party.
I love going out with George because he's always the life and soul of the party. A night out with him is never boring!
Chloe is extremely sociable and chatty. She was the life and soul of the party last night.
另一个短语 heart and soul 字面意思是心与灵魂,可以用来比喻某人全心全意地投入到某件事情中去。
Sophia was an extremely dedicated employee and put her heart and soul into this project.
I really put my heart and soul into this painting, so I hope you like it.