Making a clean sweep 重新开始/压倒性胜利

Children in Bali take part in a mass clean up in a pioneering project to protect the environment. Photo: Mike Clark
Making a clean sweep 重新开始/压倒性胜利
如果某人在 make a clean sweep 意思是他准备彻底的重新开始做事情。这个短语同时也可以指取得压倒性的胜利,尤其是体育比赛或竞选。
Bali, is one of the world’s top surf spots has a huge problem with rubbish collection and disposal with the majority of the tonnes of rubbish created per day coming from tourism. It’s been reported that 90% of floating marine debris is plastic which takes 450 – 1000 years to break down.
Laura is determined to make a clean sweep of her house this Christmas. She is going to replace all the kitchen appliances and upgrade her home entertainment system.
The Chinese team is hoping to make a clean sweep of the table tennis competition at this year’s Olympic games.
短语 sweep something under the carpet 把东西扫到地毯下是指试图隐藏或者忽视一个问题而不去处理它。
When it comes to the issue of the equality of pay, the management often try to sweep it under the carpet.