Not giving two hoots 无所谓

Four-week-old Florida Burrowing Owlets stand in their nest at a local park in Miami, Florida,

Four-week-old Florida Burrowing Owlets stand in their nest at a local park in Miami, Florida. Photo by Rhona Wise.


Not giving two hoots 是一个较为随便的短语,意思是你对什么事儿根本不在乎,与己无关。


The Cannes Film Festival takes place every year in Cannes, France. This prestigious festival showcases films of all genres. This year critics have complained that all 22 films in the contest have been directed by men.



I don't give two hoots about having money, as long as I'm happy.

My girlfriend doesn't give two hoots about my career. She didn't even ask how my interview went.


In English, owls make a noise that sounds like a hoot. If you were having a really good time, you might make this noise in excitement and that noise might sound like hoot! Or, if you’re having a good time, you might stay out late, which is the time when owls come out!
猫头鹰有时会发出类似汽笛的响声。如果一个人特别高兴开心,那么你也会发出类似的响声! 有时人们晚上出去玩儿半夜才回家,这也正是猫头鹰夜出活动的时间!

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