Over the moon 欣喜若狂

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

St James' Palace has announced that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Catherine, are expecting their first baby. Photo: Danny Lawson/Getty


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have announced that they are expecting their first baby. The royal baby will be third in line to the throne after Prince Charles and Prince William.



如果形容某人是 over the moon, 那就表示此人对某事心满意足, 非常高兴。


My husband and I are expecting our first baby next summer – we're absolutely over the moon!

Sarah was over the moon when she found out she'd got the job.

If England win the World Cup, I'll be over the moon!


如果形容某人是 over the hill, 意思是此人年迈力衰身不由己了。

Mum's bought Granddad a smartphone for Christmas. To be honest, I think he's a bit over the hill for new technology like that.

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