To bubble over 充满喜悦的感情

A giant bubble is formed around a group of children.

Ukrainian children in Kiev take part in a world record attempt for the most people in a bubble. Photo: Gleb Garanich/Reuters


Soap bubble artists give entertaining performances, creating all sorts of interesting shapes and formations with their bubbles. These often include creating a bubble around people. The World Record for the most people inside a soap bubble was set in Canada in 1994, with 181 people inside a 4-metre-high bubble.

肥皂泡艺术家们往往给观众带来快乐的娱乐表演, 他们能用肥皂泡创造出各种有趣的形状和编排。这也包括用肥皂泡来包围人们。一个肥皂泡装人最多的世界纪录是1994年在加拿大创下的,当时有181人被一个4米高的肥皂泡包围了。


当某人处于 bubbling over 的状态,这就意味着他洋溢着激动的心情, 抑制不住这种兴奋的感觉。这个短语往往用来形容喜悦,自豪或兴奋的心情。


Lesley's son has just graduated and she's bubbling over with pride.

Annabel was so happy when she opened her Christmas presents - she was bubbling over!

I'm so excited about our holiday – I'm bubbling over at the moment.


如果你 burst 某人的 bubble, 那就是说你破灭了他们的梦想或幻想。

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there won't be any staff bonuses this year.

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