To give someone a lift 让他人心情愉快

A camel is placed on a vehicle at a market near Riyadh.

A camel is placed on a vehicle at a market near Riyadh. Photo: Fahad Shadeed/Reuters


Muslims around the world are preparing to celebrate Eid al-Adha, or the feast of sacrifice. The feast marks the end of Hajj, one of the largest pilgrimages in the world, and animals such as sheep, goats and camels are sacrificed as part of the celebrations.

世界各地的穆斯林正准备庆祝宰牲节或祭祀盛宴。宴会的举行标志着世界上最大的朝圣活动的结束, 各类动物比如绵羊、山羊和骆驼都将被作为祭品宰杀,是庆祝活动的一部分。


To give someone a lift 除了有让人搭顺路车的意思之外,还有一个含义是让某人心情快乐,高兴,让他感受到鼓舞。


My colleagues came to see me when I was in hospital - it really gave me a lift.

Let's take some flowers when we go to visit Grandma, to give her a lift.

I think Dad needs to be cheered up. Perhaps going out for lunch will give him a lift?


短语 to lift someone's spirits 的意思是在某人心情不好的情况下,让他提起精神,高兴一些。

Going out to the concert really helped to lift my spirits.

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