Turn to jelly 胆怯/发颤

Imagine trying to eat a jelly baby this big!
In the UK, jelly describes a soft sweet food made from fruit juice, sugar and gelatine which you can see through and that shakes when you touch it. It's often eaten at children's parties. But in the USA jelly describes a sweet, sticky substance made with boiled fruit and sugar, and is spread on bread. The British would call this jam.
英国人所说的 jelly 就是果冻,果汁,糖和果冻胶混合制成,通常是透明的。果冻一般为半软状,用手触摸时会抖动。儿童聚会时经常备有果冻。美国人对 jelly 这个词的定义不同,在美国 jelly 指的是果酱,抹面包吃。英国人对果酱的称呼是 'jam'.
如果一个人由于胆怯或害怕而发颤的时候就可以使用 turn to jelly 来形容。这个短语也可形容人体的某个部位开始发颤。
When I saw how high up we were, I turned to jelly and I couldn't speak.
His legs turned to jelly after riding the ghost train at the funfair!
形容某事为 like nailing jelly to the wall 就说明这件事让人无法理解也很难形容。
Writing the history of this period is like nailing jelly to the wall.