

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月06日 17:42   新浪教育

  十六、 Talking About Yesterday 谈论昨天的事

  226. When did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上几点起床?

  227. At about seven. 七点左右。

  228. I heard the clock, but I didn't get up until 9. 我听见闹钟了,但我捱到九点才起。

  229. I woke up seven and got up right away. 我七点醒了,然后马上起床了。

  230. I hurried to my office. 我匆忙赶到办公室。

  231. I had my breakfast on the way. 我在路上吃的早饭。

  232. I was just on time. 我刚好赶上。

  233. I was 10 minutes late. 我迟到了五分钟。

  234. I had lunch with a friend of mine. 我和我的一个朋友一块吃了午饭。

  235. I finished my work at 6 p.m. 下午6点我下班了。

  236. I stayed and did some extra work. 我留下加了一会儿班。

  237. The TV programs were really boring, so I went to bed very early.


  238. I read a magazine in bed. 我躺在床上看杂志。

  239. I didn't sleep well. 我没睡好。

  240. I slept soundly all night. 我整夜睡的很熟。

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