

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月06日 17:42   新浪教育

  四十二、 Looking For A House 寻找住房

  616. This house is for rent. 此房出租。

  617. It's really a bargain. 租金很便宜。

  618. I want to rent a furnished house. 我想要有家具的房子。

  619. That house is for sale. It has central heating. 此房出售,房子里有供暖设备。

  620. What kind of furniture do you like? 你喜欢什么样的家具?

  621. This is a rather old house. It needs painting. 这房子挺旧的,得刷一下才行。

  622. I want an apartment with two bedrooms and a kitchen.我想要一套有两间卧室和一个厨房的公寓。

  623. The houses downtown are very expensive. 市区的房子很贵。

  624. How much is the rent for a month? 每月租金多少?

  625. I feel at home living here. The landlady is very kind to me.


  626. We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set.我们有一些厨房用具和一套餐厅设备。

  627. There's no gas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove.


  628. There is a shower in the bathroom. 浴室里有淋浴器。

  629. I have a dog, but it's very quiet. 我有一只狗,不过它很安静。

  630. The room has a big closet. You can put your baggage in it.


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