

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月19日 09:32   新浪教育


  "AEI China congratulates IDP on its important and substantial contribution to Australia's international education activities over the past forty years.  IDP has played a leading role in a number of key areas, including development projects, English language testing, provision of advice to international students and research into international education issues. AEI China looks forward to continuing to work in partnership with IDP."

  Mr. Iain Watt

  Minister Counsellor (Education)

  Australian Embassy

  “The University of Technology, Sydney congratulates IDP on reaching 40 years of providing services to international students. IDP China has been one of our longest partners and we are honored to have worked closely with them for many years. Over the past 40 years IDP has grown to be highly successful。

  IDP provides professional services to students, carefully considering individual's needs. Students map their education goals and IDP assists to prepare them for study in an international environment. IDP counselors provide professional services prior to enrolment, on arrival in Australia and during students' studies。

  UTS' strong focus on internationalized learning, teaching and research allows students to learn and socialize within the multicultural UTS mix. International partners like IDP provide students on-going opportunities in the wider global community. We look forward to continuing this strong partnership。”


  “Macquarie University congratulates IDP Education on forty years of success in the International Education industry.  IDP has been a key partner for Macquarie University and we look forward to further developing this most valuable business relationship.  “



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