You cannot be serious! 你不是认真的吧!

The big boss, Mr Socrates, with a carton of orange juice

Episode 26: Language for complaining 投诉用语

Mr Socrates, the big boss from America, is in town and everything must be just right. Unfortunately, the hotel room Anna booked for him isn't right, so it's up to her to sort it out and that involves some complaining.


Mr Socrates 要什么样的房间?

Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on the language to use when things aren't right and you need to complain.

Phrases from the programme 节目中出现的词汇和短语:

I'm very disappointed with your service. 你们的服务让我非常失望。

The standard of service is not good enough. 服务质量明显不够标准。

The room I booked did not meet my expectations. 我订的房间和我的期望相差太远了。

I would like this matter resolved as quickly as possible. 我希望你们能够马上解决这个问题。

Or 否则:

I would like to cancel my reservation and get a full refund.我就要取消订房并要求退全款。

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