A load of rubbish 低质量或不真实的东西

A rubbish dump in Manila, Philippines

People near a rubbish dump in Manila, Philippines. Photo: Photo: Getty Images/ Noel Celis


The capital of the Philippines, Manila, has banned disposable plastic shopping bags because rubbish adds to the city's flooding problem.



我们可以把低质量的或是不真实的东西称为 a load of rubbish.


Did you see that England football match? It was a load of rubbish. They will never win the World Cup.

I was really excited about seeing Justin Bieber in concert but he was two hours late. What a load of rubbish.


“Rubbish 垃圾”这个词通常用于英式英语中。在北美,人们通常说 'garbage' 或 'trash'.

Make sure the garbage is out. The truck picks it up today.

The trash really smells. Can you take it outside?

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