A piece of cake 易如反掌

A piece of cake

Eating all of this is a piece of cake


According to the Guinness World Records, the world's largest wedding cake weighed 6.818 tonnes and was made by chefs at a hotel in Connecticut in the USA.



如果说做一件事就像 a piece of cake, 意思就是易如反掌,小菜一碟。


Changing the wheel on the car was a piece of cake - I was happy to help!

I don't know what all the fuss was about - the exam was a piece of cake! I had half an hour to spare.


所谓蛋糕上的冰糖 the icing on the cake 意思就是锦上添花。

It was great to win the match but the icing on the cake was getting promoted to the Premiership!

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