In the red 欠钱,亏损

The Welsh Guards on parade

The Welsh Guards, in their red uniforms, practise for the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London


The soldiers shown in the photo are from the Welsh Guards. Together with other regiments of the British armies, they perform a ceremony called Trooping the Colour in June every year to mark the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.

图中的士兵属于威尔士卫队。与英国军队里的其它军团一起,他们每年六月参加英国皇家阅兵仪式 Trooping the Colour, 这是为庆祝英国女王伊丽莎白二世官方生日而举办的大型活动。


处于红色状态 in the red 意思就是你欠银行钱了。当一个人或企业的财务出现赤字,那就意味着他们处于负债或亏损状态。


Because the airline had to give everyone their money back after the delays, they now say they're operating in the red.

I've paid off most of my credit card bills - but I'm still in the red.


如果说一个人是 in the pink 粉色 ,意思就是这个人身体很健康。

Ruth looks very well - she's certainly in the pink.

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