A splash of colour 一道绚丽色彩

Men covered in pink powder during festival of Lath mar Holi in Northern India

Men covered in pink powder during the festival of Lath mar Holi in Northern India Photo: Reuters/Vivek Prakash


The photo shows men in the Northern Indian village of Barsana celebrating the Hindu festival of Lath mar Holi. The tradition involves men singing provocative songs to gain the attention of women, who then beat them with bamboo sticks called "lathis". Holi, also known as the Festival of Colours, marks the beginning of spring and is celebrated all over India.



如果某人为某事加了 a splash of colour,意思就是把某个本来枯燥或沉闷的事情作了美化或改善。


Jane's red necklace was a splash of colour against her dull work suit.

Our new green rug should add a splash of colour to our bedroom.


短语 with flying colours 不是“飞起来的颜色”,而是表示某人以“优异成绩”取得成功。

Simon passed his exams with flying colours.

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