Catty 阴险恶毒


Cats can see very well at night. They only need one sixth of the level of light humans need to see. Photo: BBC


Cats appear in Egyptian paintings and sculptures from 3,000 BC. They were used to chase mice in grain stores and were worshipped by people. Anyone who killed a cat was severely punished, and cats became so respected that when they died their bodies were often preserved as mummies and buried with their owners.



形容词 catty 可用来描述某人的言辞刁钻刻薄、阴险恶毒。


The rivalry between Hollywood actresses Joan Crawford and Bette Davis was famous. They were always making catty comments about each other.

Tony's catty remarks will win him no friends.


A fat cat 这个表达常指一位有钱有势的人。

Some people say state companies have lots of fat cats on their boards.

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