Crystal clear 极其明白

A Rolls Royce Silver Cloud adorned with a million Swarovski crystals is on display in Munich.

A Rolls Royce Silver Cloud adorned with a million Swarovski crystals is on display in Munich. Photo: Tobias Hase


如果形容什么事情为crystal clear, 意思就是非常清楚,极其明白。


The Rolls Royce ‘Silver Cloud II’ was introduced in 1969 and had a top speed of 114 mph. This current model is adorned with one million Swarovski crystals and is on display at the Four Seasons Hotel in Munich, Germany. It will be auctioned in order to raise money for a charity which helps drug addicts.



He's given me crystal clear instructions on how to get to the wedding.

The boss was crystal clear about what she wanted the team to do whilst she was on holiday.


另一个短语 clear as mud, 表示很难理解或令人费解。

These instructions are as clear as mud – I'm never going to be able to get this mp3 player to work!

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