Dive into it 跳进去

A penguin dives off a board as a heron takes a fish at London Zoo.

A Humboldt penguin dives off a board as a heron takes a fish at London Zoo.

Dive into it 跳进去


Olympic fever has hit London Zoo’s penguins. The birds have been given their very own diving board to help them to capture some of the Olympic spirit.


如果一个人 dive into 一件事情,那么意思就是很快很热情地投入到这件事情里去了。


My new course starts next week. I can't wait to dive into the work!

Be careful not to dive into a new relationship too quickly after the last one.

Let's dive into this ice-cream before it melts!


短语 get stuck into something 意思也是快速投入某件事情。

Alfie's only been at the school for a term, but he's already in the rugby team and the chess club. He's really got stuck in!

短语 get stuck in something 的意思是被某种形势困住了。

I don't want to get stuck in a boring job.

I've been stuck in traffic for hours.

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