Get your skates on! 快点!

A pair of female ice skates

This is a pair of women’s ice skates. The blades are about 4mm thick. Photo: BBC


Ice skating is great for fitness. According to experts, skating helps improve balance and coordination. The bent knee position means that the thighs are working continuously. And the skater can burn up to 600 calories per hour on the ice.



短语 get your skates on 的意思是让某人赶快、快点。


You'd better get your skates on, or we are going to miss the bus!

Get your skates on! We've got a lot of work to do today.


短语 skate over 的意思是躲避谈论某话题。

Our manager told us to work longer hours to keep the company in business, but he skated over the issue of extra payment.

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