Wise old owl 生活经验丰富的人

An owl

A long-eared owl at a display of birds of prey in London. Photo: BBC


Long-eared owls spend most of the year as a solitary species. But in winter they stay together in groups of up to 200. The visible parts of their ears are merely decorative: they have no purpose.



短语 wise old owl 可形容一位有智慧的、生活经验丰富的人。


My English teacher was a wise old owl. He told me that I shouldn't give up on things when they don't work the first time.

Mary saved 20% of her salary for her retirement. She was a wise old owl.


Night owl 的意思是喜欢熬夜的人、夜猫子。

Bob is a night owl. He never goes to bed before 3am.

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