Horsing around 胡闹

A woman on horseback during a pilgrimage to Almonte

A woman travels on horseback during the annual El Rocio pilgrimage in Seville. Photo: Cristina Quicler

Horsing around 胡闹

如果说某人在 horsing around, 意思就是这个人在胡闹、闲逛,无所事事。


Every year, hundreds of thousands of people make the pilgrimage to the shrine of El Rocio, in Seville, Spain. People in traditional dress travel on horseback, in horse-drawn caravans or on foot to visit the carved statue of the Virgin del Rocio.



Stop horsing around and get on with your work!

You can't trust Michael to do anything – he's always horsing around.


To hold your horses 的意思的别着急,耐心点儿。

Hold your horses! We're not ready to go yet.

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