Plenty more fish in the sea 天涯何处无芳草

Woman dressed as a fish on a WWF demonstration in Brussels

WWF members and sympathisers protest against overfishing of the European seas in front of the EU Council in Brussels. Photo: Geert Vanden Wijngaert/ AP Photo


Overfishing is changing the type of fish in the sea, according to scientists at Bangor University. Because larger fish are being caught, they cannot pass on their genes to a new generation. As a result, only smaller fish are surviving.



你可以用 there are plenty more fish in the sea 这个表达来描述可供选择的人或事还有很多,也就是我们常说的 “天涯何处无芳草”。这个表达常被用在谈论婚姻或感情关系破裂的语境中。


Mary was not a good wife. Don't cry over her. There are plenty more fish in the sea.

Stop flirting with my boyfriend and find someone else! There are plenty more fish in the sea.


短语 fish for compliments 的意思是故意要别人说赞扬话,沽名钓誉。

Ann: I'm not very good with children.

Sue: No, don't be silly. You are a great babysitter.

Tony: She knows that. People in the neighbourhood are always asking her to take care of their kids. She is just fishing for compliments.

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