Two wheels are better than four 自行车比汽车好

Cyclist holding their bikes in the air

Cyclists in Budapest lift their bikes in the air during a pro-cycling demonstration. Photo by Ferenc Isza / AFP / Getty Images.


The world-famous Tour de France is a 3,400km cycling race around France. It is one of the toughest endurance races in professional sport. This year the 100th Tour de France was won by British cyclist Chris Froome, who got to keep the famous yellow jersey.



当一个人说 two wheels are better than four 的时候他的意思就是骑自行车比开汽车好。


If you want to get healthy, get out of your car and onto your bike; two wheels are better than four!

The traffic is really bad in the city so two wheels are definitely better than four.


所谓 two-for-one 就是汉语里的买一送一,买一个送一个。

I hope you like eating cabbage; I got them on a two-for-one offer at the supermarket, so we've got lots to eat.

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